Equities Investment

Invest in major companies throughout the world

Given stock market volatility, investing in equities carries a big risk, but the rewards more than compensate for the risk if done correctly, which is why it is such a popular investment option. Equity investing is one of the best methods to earn from long-term investments since it gives large inflation-adjusted returns. To reduce risk, a portion of the assets might be split among other industries and invested in 5-, 3-, or 1-year buckets, depending on the amount of money available. If this is your first time investing, Betterbondfinance’s recognized financial expert may be able to help.


As economies develop, so do your investing opportunities and potential to build wealth.

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Using our Online Trading Platform, you can buy and sell stocks at any time and for a low fee.

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What are equities?

Stocks (also known as shares) and equity are the same thing because they both reflect ownership in a firm and are traded on stock exchanges. By definition, equity refers to the ownership of assets once a debt has been paid off. The term “stock” refers to any publicly traded equity. Stock is a sort of equity that signifies an investment in a company. When you acquire a stock, you anticipate dividends as a type of return.

Stocks are typically bought and traded on stock exchanges. When you buy stock in a corporation, you become a shareholder and possess a little portion of the company. Shareholders can profit if the company’s value rises, especially if dividends are paid, but there are operational concerns to consider.

Equities (stocks or shares) allow you the ability to participate in a public company’s potential profits as a partial owner. You can gain potential money from a successful business in two ways if you own stocks:

  • Dividends are a way for you to get a piece of the company’s profit.
  • When you sell your shares for a better price than when you bought them, you can potentially benefit.

However, gains from equities are not assured; a corporation is not required by law to pay dividends, and the value of its shares will vary.

Why invest in equities?

What risks to consider?

You should be aware that past performance of investment products is not an indication or proof of future performance, and that the value of assets can go up as well as down, and that you may not get back the entire amount you invested.

You may not be able to sell the required number of shares at the publicly-displayed price on the relevant exchange (and may have to accept a discount) or you may not be able to sell them at all if investment products are subject to periodic or general “illiquidity.” 

Investing in equity assets denominated in a currency other than your native currency may expose you to exchange rate risks.

We are not giving you any advise or guidance about the Equity Securities you choose to buy or sell, or about the transaction in general, and we are not making a personal recommendation for you. You are solely responsible for the Equity Securities you choose to trade as well as the outcome of any Transaction performed through the Platform, and you acknowledge that you are acting on a “execution only” basis.